First update

First Update After Release

The game launched to the public yesterday, and today it’s receiving its first update!

During the prototype phase, updates will be small and frequent—expect them daily or every two days.


  • Fixed an issue where supplies were not saving correctly when returning to the menu.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed rerolling the last trait. This is no longer possible.
  • Weapons can now be "sold" (removed from inventory), though they do not provide any returns.
  • Made minor improvements to the shop interface (the one between waves). This involved some core mechanic changes, so new bugs may have been introduced.
  • Removed some unused buttons.

Coming Soon:

A "How to Play" guide is in the works. It was completed this morning, but since it was based on a previous version with an outdated interface, it will be updated and added tomorrow.

Have a great weekend! 🎮🚀

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